Lionville Firefighters Complete 2 Weeks of Survival Training
By Lionville Fire Co
March 20, 2011

Throughout the month of March, four members from the Lionville Fire Company traveled to our neighboring department, Thorndale Fire Co, to participate in two courses. The class consisted of two main topics, one being "Firefighter Survival", and the other being Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Training.

The Firefighter Survival course taught firefighters techniques to train and think about if a "mayday" situation were to occur. Scenarios from past experiences of Fire Departments all over the US were trained on throughout the class. Firefighters learned how to self rescue themselves under intense conditions.

The RIT course focused on techniques when removing a downed or trapped firefighter from a building. Participants had opportunities come up with multiple ideas on how to achieve one main goal, which is get the downed firefighter out. All for members gained a great deal of knowledge on how to keep themselves and other firemen out of danger.

The members of The Lionville Co. would like to thank the Thorndale Fire Co. for hosting the training, and inviting our members to a true learning experience. A special thanks to Chester County Fire Training Instructors Chris Obenchain and Win Slauch.

Units: Lionville Fire Co
Mutual Aid: Thorndale Fire Co, Veterans Affairs Fire Department